Bisik ku pada bulan
Kembalikan temanku
Kekasihku, syurgaku
Tanpa dia malam menemaniku
Sepi memelukku
Bulan jangan biar siang biar malam ini kelam
Biar ia sepi sepertiku
I'll bet some of you recognize this poetry. is from Sepi. I watch it like all time but I forbid it for now, atleast for now and just for now. It's hard for me these day to even mention about it~ the Sepi words.
I hope its just temporarily but I don't know, He already planned everything and me as the humble servant is just have to tawakkal & followed the plan.
Nevermind, sometimes in your life you need to be Sepi for a while to think for a moment what have you done in your life. To sit back and revaluate what the impact that you caused and what move do you need to take to decrease the effects.
But for me this is a signal that God sent to me if I'm getting far away from Him and only I know what the Allah want me to do. Hey, God does works in the mysterious way aite?
Ok, done with my ridiculous theory!I'm out of here.
It's already 8th Ramadhan today!Guys & Gurls happy fasting k!
Owh, before I forget check out my aunt masterpiece in her new blog!She is a baker and I'm so in love with her creation!Check her here!
And those that does shopping for raya, brings you own bag k.Your little action can bring a bigger impact after this. Insyaallah.