I just finish planning my studies this semester while listening to Big Bang new album.
Its rocks yawn!Hahaha!For those who don't know who there are just goggle for Big Bang k..I'm sure you will get thousand hits for them!hahahaha..FYI,there are rumors that they are coming to Malaysia!!!!Hahahahaha..so I starve & save money for the concert!!!=p
Ok, I will continue what I have left before!
Day 2 in Kuching is really relaxed.
If you planning to visit Sarawak on November till January you must prepare with rainy day.
Our 2nd day is rain all day long but that never breaks our vacation spirit!Day start visiting Sarawak Cultural Village,this is a must visit tourist spot for local or foreign tourist.Seriously, where you can see all main races in Sarawak such as Kaum Iban, Bidayuh,Penan,Melanau & many more in just one place?Tell me?Only here ok~
So if you planning to go here, tickets price for adult is RM60 and you'll get a passport. You can stamp your visa at each of different houses here. Yes, it might be a little bit pricey but its all for preservation causes and I tell you its money worth it!Beside,its a good place to take great picture with Gunung Santubong as the landscape here. I give you a little tips, if you a student or part time student then its is a bonus for you!Yey!The tickets price is only RM15!!As education purpose!Don't forget to bring along your student card when you travelling around because all famous tourist spot always have special price for student!!huhu~Its good being student!
Seriously, we have so much fun there!Go there, take an opportunity to know others culture and living and make sure not to miss their famous cultural show!They have fixed schedule so make sure you guys check it first before make a stop here so you don't miss it k!
Day 3 are fully in Kuching town!I'm history freak so I make sure my friends & I stop by at Sarawak museum & Islamic museum. The museum is not so properly taken care, I hope after this the Sarawak Ministry will try to improve the contents of the museum and also the ambiance. Please don't make it so dull..its so sad to see all the national treasure & heritage being treat like that. If only I'm Tony Fernandes, I will sponsor upgrade the museum!If only..haish~No picture inside the museum due to the no camera policy.

We have fun there eventho the museum condition is so bad, after finish touring the museum we decide to talk a walk at Memorial Pahlawan. Its like Lake Garden in KL except there is no lake or pool. This memorial is built specially for late Sarawakian warriors that fight against British back before our "merdeka" period. What special about this garden is actually they have a cemetery inside it. Suprisingly, we found Aquarium Bandaraya in Taman Memorial Pahlawan. They gather all kinds of fish there but same as the museum the place should be taken care more properly.

Right after that, we headed straight to Semenggoh Wildlife Centre to see and learn about Orang Utan conservation. The place is not to far from Kuching, it takes about 20-30 minutes if I'm not mistaken and the enterence fee is so cheap!RM3 for adult and RM1 for student and this money is for orang utan conservation expenses. The officer from Jabatan Perhutanan mention to us is hard to see orang utan and its all depends on your luck. Lucky for us, most of the resident in Semenggoh come to meet & greet us as soon as we arrived except for the Big Boss. He is the oldest and strongest male orang utan there.

This is the first time I encounter this kind of experience and its so nice. Sadly, there are not many local tourist visit this place but the foreigners seem to love it. There are eating time for orang utan, please do check it first before come here so that you can see cute little orang utan hanging on the tree top!There are 2 separate eating place, one is in front of the gates and the other one you have to walk for 10 minutes into the jungle. That one is made specially for the male orang utan eating place.
If you come to Kuching again I hope you spend your time here~
I have fun here & I bet you also have good time here!
Its 1.10am..so sleepy,I guess I will continue this later..night2!