Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This post is written on 13 December 2009

It's only 4 days I left my blog and I already miss it!!

It's already 3 o'clock in the morning and I'm still reading article about environmental auditing..huh!Take a break for a while to write this post.

Sorry but I'm busy preparing myself for my exam that gonna be held on this Monday,3.00pm at Kolej Polytech Mara,KL.
Damn I'm so freaking out k guys..Why??because this is the 1st time I'm preparing myself for an examination after I graduating on August 2008.

I studying again after 1 and half year..huu~it's kinda a hard but it not because of the syllabus that I'm taking but it's really hard to study while working and the paper that I'm taking is UK based paper.I must prepared my self for the language either or I will lose some marks for mis-spelling and also my grammer(Sorry for my grammer-dlu mase cikgu ngajo sllu tdo dlm kelas!!hu).
Furthermore, my lecturer always remind us that English is not our mother tounge and that is the true!

So in the past 2 weeks,I finished all my topics but I don't know how many detailed information is stored in my brain..Do I remember it?Can I applied to the question?I don't know for myself either...
Frankly speak, studying alone with all the books, article,past year question really making me kinda freak person..huu~I don't get out of my house at all..and if I really tired I sleep until its noon..until my girls rescued me and we all studied together!!

*See I'm Alone With My Mr.GradBear & A Cuppa Of Kopi Goji!!!*
(FYI I'm caffeine freak!!)

As I remember last time we all studied together is while we are preparing for Matematik Tambahan,SPM 2002..And now its 2009..7 tahun weh kte xstudy same!!huu..
Seeing my girls study together with me really make me happy and my understanding for this paper is more deeper..Thank You Um & Emma!!U light my bored study world!!yey!!

*Only Emma Pic Uploaded Due to Um & Myself Pic Is Totally Sexy!!Hahahaaha~*

After 2 days of studying, we treat ourself with a cup of Baskin Robbin each one..nyum2!!!Guilty Pleasure!!

*One For Um, Emma & Myself - Nyumm!!*
So guys & gurls, pray for us k!!Love u all!!